n/a. 最小值;最低值
【词根记忆】:mini(小)+ um(表示“数字”的名词后缀)→小的;最小的
【短语搭配】:minimum wage 最低工资
minimum requirements 最低要求
【真题例句】:When the work is well done, a climate of accident-free operations is established where time lost due to injuries is kept at a minimum.当企业安全生产工作到位之后,一种零事故生产的氛围就随之建立了起来,在这样的氛围之下,因伤误工的时间就会降到最低。
2.17 climate [ˈklaɪmət]
n. 气候;氛围;风气
【短语搭配】:economic climate经济气候,经济形势
mild climate温和的气候
【真题例句】:Now utopia has grown unfashionable, as we have gained a deeper appreciation of the range of threats facing us, from asteroid strike to epidemic flu to climate change. 现在乌托邦式的幻想已经过时,从小行星撞击地球到流感大范围传播再到气候变化,我们对自己面临的一系列威胁有了更深的认识。(2013年阅读Text 3)
3. 28 alter ['ɔːltə]
【真题例句】:The key to reforming higher education, concludes Mr Menand, is to alter the way in which “the producers of knowledge are produced.” 梅兰德先生总结道,高等教育改革的关键是,改变“知识生产者”的生产方式。(2011年阅读新题型)。
4. 4 alive [ə'laɪv]
【短语搭配】:alive with充满着;洋溢着
keep alive保持生机
【真题例句】:Companies with low accident rates plan their safety programs, work hard to organize them, and continue working to keep them alive and active. 事故发生率低的公司制定自己的安全计划、努力规划组织并且持续使自己保持活力。
5. 9 mechanical [mɪ'kænɪk(ə)l]
a. 机械的;力学的;呆板的
【词根记忆】:machine(机器)+ ical(形容词)→机器的;机械的
【短语搭配】:mechanical equipment机械设备
mechanical learning 机械学习
【真题例句】:Some place great emphasis on mechanical guarding.一些企业非常重视机械的监管。
6. 36rule [ruːl]
n. 统治;规则
v. 统治;规定;裁决
【短语搭配】:rules and regulations规章制度
rule out排除;取消;划去
be ruled by受…所左右,受…支配
rule the world统治世界;征服世界
【真题例句】:Others stress safe work practices by observing rules or regulations. 其他一些企业强调遵守各项规章制度以实现安全实践。
7. 12 appeal [ə'piːl]
n./vi. 呼吁(to);申诉;感召
【词根记忆】:ap (to方向)+peal(推,拉)→把人们都拉过来→呼吁;感召
【短语搭配】:appeals to 申诉;呼吁
appeal for 恳求,
【例 句】:Some place great emphasis on mechanical guarding. Others stress safe work practices by observing rules or regulations. Still others depend on an emotional appeal to the worker. 一些企业非常重视机械的监管;其他一些企业强调遵守各项规章制度以实现安全实践,;还有其他一些企业则通过号召工人安全生产。
8.3 maximum ['mæksɪməm]
【词根记忆】:maxi(最大的)+ m(连接字母)+um(表示“数字”的名词后缀)→最大值,最大的
【短语搭配】:maximum limit最大限度
maximum benefit最大利益
【真题例句】:There are certain basic ideas that must be used in every program if maximum results are to be obtained.如果想要实现最大化的效果,一些基本的原则就必须应用到各个项目中去。
9.18 obtain [əb'teɪn]
【词根记忆】:ob(to 方向)+tain(保持,持有)→ 持有某物→得到
【短语搭配】:obtain information获得信息;索取资料或合同
obtain evidence取证
【真题例句】:Rather, it involves setting specific goals, obtaining immediate feedback and concentrating as much on technique as on outcome. 而且还要确立特定目标,获得即时反馈,既关注结果又要关注技巧。(2007年阅读Text1)
10.11insurance [ɪn'ʃʊər(ə)ns]
n. 保险;保险费
【短语搭配】:medical insurance医疗保险
health care insurance system 医疗保险体系
【真题例句】:The fewer the injury claims, the better the workman’s insurance rate.工人索赔越少,工人的保险率越高。