According to The Atlantic, cli-fi stories seldom talk about “imaginary technologies or faraway planets”, unlike traditional sci-fi. Cli-fi is a lot more down to earth. It examines the impacts of pollution, rising sea levels, and global warming on human civilization. According to the article, the genre’s “ability to bridge science with the humanities and activism” makes environmental issues “more accessible to young readers, proving literature to be a surprisingly valuable tool in collective efforts to address global warming”.
Although it is regarded as a new literary category, cli-fi has “roots in themes explored in fiction for decades”, says a Huffington Post article. French writer Jules Verne “explored climate change and sudden atmospheric temperature drops at the end of the 19th century in ‘The Purchase of the North Pole’”. British sci-fi master J.G. Ballard created climate dystopia with “The Wind From Nowhere” (1961).
But cli-fi has been made more appealing to younger generations thanks to its emergence in movies and TV shows. Last year’s blockbuster “Interstellar” has elements of cli-fi in its depictions of a future world gradually destroyed by sandstorms. In the 2013 movie “Snowpiercer”, a failed attempt to stop global warming creates a new ice age. Environmental themes also run through the “MaddAddam” trilogy, a series of best-sellers written by the prestigious Canadian novelist Margaret Atwood. The books are currently being adapted into a TV series for HBO.
The term “cli-fi” was created by US writer and climate activist Dan Bloom. In an interview with The Atlantic, Bloom says he hoped the “catchy buzzword” would help “raise awareness about global warming”. The strategy seems to be working. In an article for The Guardian, UK cli-fi writer Sarah Holding wrote that the genre “reconnects young readers with their environment, helping them to value it more, especially when today, a large amount of their time is spent in the virtual world”.
But not everyone is convinced of cli-fi’s potential. In an article for The New York Times, George Marshall, founder of UK-based Climate Outreach Information Network, expressed concern that cli-fi would reinforce what people already believe rather than change anyone’s minds. “The unconvinced will see these stories as proof that this issue is a fiction, exaggerated for dramatic effect,” he said. “The already convinced will be engaged, but overblown apocalyptic story lines may distance them from the issue of climate change or even objectify the problem."