The world economy
Dominant and dangerous
As America’s economic supremacy fades, the primacy of the dollar looks unsustainable
Oct 3rd 2015 | From the print edition
IF HEGEMONS are good for anything, it is for conferring stability on the systems they dominate. For 70 years the dollar has been the superpower of the financial and monetary system. Despite talk of the yuan’s rise, the primacy of the greenbackis unchallenged. As a means of payment, a store of value and a reserve asset, nothing can touch it. Yet the dollar’s rule hasbrittlefoundations, and the system it underpins is unstable. Worse, the alternative reserve currencies are flawed. A transition to a more secure order will bedevilishly hard.
When the buck stops
For decades, America’s economic might legitimised the dollar’s claims to reignsupreme. But, as our special report this week explains, afaultlinehas opened between America’s economiccloutand its financial muscle. The United States accounts for 23% of global GDP and 12% of merchandise trade. Yet about 60% of the world’s output, and a similar share of the planet’s people, lie within ade factodollar zone, in which currenciesare pegged tothe dollar or move in some sympathy with it. American firms’ share of the stock of international corporate investment has fallen from 39% in 1999 to 24% today. But Wall Streetsets the rhythmof markets globally more than it ever did. American fund managers run 55% of the world’s assets under management, up from 44% a decade ago.
The widening gap between America’s economic and financial power creates problems for other countries, in the dollar zone and beyond. That is because the costs of dollar dominance are starting to outweigh the benefits.
First, economies must endure wildgyrations. In recent months the prospect of even a tiny rate rise in America has sucked capital from emerging markets,batteringcurrencies and share prices. Decisions of the Federal Reserve affect offshore dollar debts and deposits worth about $9 trillion. Because some countries link their currencies to the dollar, their central banks must react to the Fed. Foreigners own 20-50% of local-currency government bonds in places like Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, South Africa and Turkey: they are more likely to abandon emerging markets when American rates rise.
At one time the pain from capital outflows would have been mitigatedby the stronger demand—including for imports—that prompted the Fed to raise rates in the first place. However, in the past decade America’s share of global merchandise imports has dropped from 16% to 13%. America is the biggest export market for only 32 countries, down from 44 in 1994; the figure for China has risen from two to 43. A system in which the Fed dispenses and the world convulses is unstable.
A second problem is the lack of a backstopfor the offshore dollar system if it faces a crisis. In 2008-09 the Fed reluctantly came to the rescue, acting as a lender of last resort by offering $1 trillion of dollar liquidity to foreign banks and central banks. The sums involved in a future crisis would be far higher. The offshore dollar world is almost twice as large as it was in 2007. By the 2020s it could be as big as America’s banking industry. Since 2008-09, Congress has grown wary of the Fed’s emergency lending. Come the next crisis, the Fed’s plans to issue vast swaplines might meet regulatory or congressional resistance. For how long will countries be ready to tie their financial systems to America’s fractious and dysfunctional politics?
That question is underscoredby a third worry: America increasingly uses its financial clout as a political tool. Policymakers and prosecutors use the dollar payment system to assert control not just overwaywardbankers and dodgyfootball officials, but also errantregimes like Russia and Iran. Rival powers bridle at this vulnerability to American foreign policy.
Americans may wonder why this matters to them. They did not force any country to link its currency to the dollar or encourage foreign firms to issue dollar debt. But the dollar’s outsize role does affect Americans. It brings benefits, not least cheaper borrowing. Alongside the “exorbitantprivilege” of owning the reserve currency, however, there are costs. If the Fed fails to act as lender of last resort in a dollar liquidity crisis, the ensuing collapse abroad will reboundon America’s economy. And even without a crisis, the dollar’s dominance will present American policymakers with a dilemma. If foreigners continue to accumulate reserves, they will dominate the Treasury market by the 2030s. To satisfy growing foreign demand for safe dollar-denominated assets, America’s government could issue more Treasuries—adding to its debts. Or it could leave foreigners to buy up other securities—but that might lead to asset bubbles, just as in the mortgage boom of the 2000s.
It’s all about the Benjamins
Ideally America would share the burden with other currencies. Yet if thehegemony of the dollar is unstable, its would-be successors are unsuitable. The baton of financial superpower has been passed before, when America overtook Britain in 1920-45. But Britain and America were allies, which made the transfer orderly. And America came with ready-made attributes: a dynamic economy and, like Britain, political cohesivenessand the rule of law (see article).
Compare that with today’s contenders for reserve status. The euro is a currency whose very existence cannot be taken for granted. Only when the euro area has agreed on a full banking union and joint bond issuance will those doubts be fully laid to rest. As for the yuan, China’s government has created the monetary equivalent of an eight-lane motorway—a vast network of currency swaps with foreign central banks—but there is no one on it. Until China opens its financial markets, the yuan will be only a bit-player. And until it embraces the rule of law, no investor will see its currency as truly safe.
All this suggests that the global monetary and financial system will not smoothly or quicklywean itself offthe greenback. There are things America can do to shoulder more responsibility—for instance, by setting up bigger emergency-swaplines with more central banks. More likely is asplinteringof the system, as other countries choose toinsulatethemselves from Fed decisions by embracing capital controls. The dollar has no peers. But the system that it anchorsis cracking.
From the print edition: Leaders
Translated by : Weezy (
Proofread by : qiangge ,shengling,chelsea0808
Word List
1.supremacy:power to dominate or defeat
e.g. In the United States Open final, Graf retained overall supremacy.
2.hegemony:the dominance or leadership of one social group or nation over others
e.g. So it will be with China and its impending hegemony: English is astride the globe to stay.
3.greenback:a piece of paper money (especially one issued by a central bank)
e.g. The greenback, in other words, is not just America’s currency. It’s the world’s.
4.devilishly:(used as intensives) extremely
e.g. Flu has a devilishly efficient transmission mechanism.
5.buck:A buck is a US or Australian dollar.
e.g. That could help explain some of the slide the buck has suffered lately and —if true —it'd likely mean more downward dollar pressure to come.
6.faultline:(geology) line determined by the intersection of a geological fault and the earth's surface
e.g. Other notable exhibits include “Faultline,” which teaches visitors about the science of earthquakes, and “Journey to Mars.”
其他有影响的展览包括"断裂层"(Faultline),向观众介绍有关地震科学知识,以及"火星之旅"(Journey to Mars)等。 facto:existing in fact whether with lawful authority or not
e.g. Founders usually have a lot of de facto control after a series A, as long as things are going well.
8.gyration:If things such as prices or currencies gyrate, they move up and down in a rapid and uncontrolled way.
e.g. Interest rates began to gyrate up towards 20 per cent in 1980 and then down and up again.
9.batter:strike violently and repeatedly
e.g. He battered her around the head...
10.dispense:administer or bestow, as in small portions
e.g. The Union had already dispensed £40,000 in grants...
11.convulse:If someone convulses or if they are convulsed by or with something, their body moves suddenly in an uncontrolled way.
e.g. Olivia's face convulsed in a series of twitches...
12.backstop:a precaution in case of an emergency
e.g. As part of the plan, the government would insure new preferred debt issued by banks and backstop all non-interest paying deposits, the paper said on its Website.
13.swap line:A currency swap (or a cross currency swap) is a foreign exchange derivative between two institutions to exchange the principal and/or interest payments of a loan in one currency for equivalent amounts, in net present value terms, in another currency.
e.g. The Swiss central bank swap line also got a boost to $27 billion from $12 billion before.
14.fractious:unpredictably difficult in operation; likely to be troublesome
e.g. This stance infuriates both the EU and the IMF, who worry that if Greece’s fractious politicians cannot unite even when bankruptcy threatens, then they have little chance of avoiding that fate.
15.dysfunctional:(of a trait or condition) failing to serve an adjustive purpose
e.g. In some way, to some extent, we’re all dysfunctional.
16.underscore:If something such as an action or an event underscores another, it draws attention to the other thing and emphasizes its importance.
e.g. I want to underscore the importance of this task, and my personal commitment to it.
17.wayward:resistant to guidance or discipline
e.g. While Paul is describing this behavior as the result of wayward passions, the chief sin is idolatry and separation from the one true God.
18.dodgy:If you describe someone or something as dodgy, you disapprove of them because they seem rather dishonest and unreliable.
e.g. But it is now clear that neither the dodgy sex nor the dubious business history should be the main reason for Italians looking back on Mr Berlusconi as a disastrous, even malign, failure.
19.errant:Errant is used to describe someone whose actions are considered unacceptable or wrong by other people. For example, an errant husband is
e.g. For minor errors, such as a misspelled word, use the “strike” HTML tag to visibly put a line through the errant material — like this—and then add the correct word or words.
20.rebound:a reaction to a crisis or setback or frustration
e.g. And, if the rebound is real, will it last?
21.denominate:assign a name or title to
e.g. Will China's currency be increasingly used to settle trade in Asia and, who knows, maybe even to denominate commodities?
22.baton: If someone passes the baton to another person, they pass responsibility for something to that person. If someone picks up the baton, they take over responsibility for something.
e.g. As soon as I walked in the restaurant, I saw him sitting by himself at a table, twirling an unlit cigarette through his fingers like a miniature baton.
23.splinter: If something splinters or is splintered, it breaks into thin, sharp pieces.
e.g. If we tried to overthrow Qaddafi by force, our coalition would splinter.
24.anchor: If something is anchored in something or to something, it has strong links with it.
e.g. A united Germany must be firmly anchored in NATO if Europe is to remain stable...
[1] lender of last resort 最后贷款人
金融用语,,即按法律规定,商业银行对吸收的存款必须按照一定的比率(称为准备金率)交存于中央银行;充当最后贷款人( lender of last resort) ,即当商业银行支付困难、出现流动性危机时,中央银行必须提供资金支持,以防止出现金融挤兑风潮;组织全国性的清算。
[2] the Benjamins
这里的Benjamin指代的是印在美钞100刀上面的美国建国人物本杰明富兰克林(Benjamin Franklin)。本篇文章用Benjamin指代美元。对Benjamin感兴趣的Click here。
[3] currency swap 互惠外汇信贷,互惠信贷,互换货币
举例来看,债务人A即将获得一笔日元贷款,金额为10亿日元,期限7年,利率为固定利率3.25%,付息日为每年6月20日和12月20日,1996年12月20日提款,2003年12月20日到期归还.。 A提款后,需要将其日元贷款换为美元使用,而整个贷款期间,A只有美元收入,没有日元收入。债务人A为控制汇率风险,决定与中行叙做一笔货币调期交易。双方规定,调期交易于1998年7月8日生效,2003年12月20日到期,使用汇率USDl=JPYl40.00, 美元相应利率为USD 6M LIBOR十0.85%。
[4] swap line 外汇互换额度,互换交易(swap transaction,Swaps)